Did my daughter come to visit this weekend to see us, or to take the Switch and Tears of the Kingdom back to her apartment? Who can know. Anyway, we’re busting out the N64 and Ocarina of Time… As soon as we get an RCA β†’ HDMI adapter.

Kimberly Hirsh

We have 2 Switches in the house and took both to Europe with us. There were a couple times when W & M were each playing on a Switch that I was wondering whether we should get a third.

Manton Reece

@KimberlyHirsh We could definitely use at least a 2nd Switch. This is where the portability is so nice too.



Hi mom. Hi dad.

Switch acquired.

Bye mom. Bye dad.

Kimberly Hirsh

Daughter has clearly helped you find a gift for the next gift-giving occasion.

Duncan Moran

RCA to HDMI? Give me a minute...

Manton Reece

@Dunk πŸ™‚ I also have boxes of cables and was surprised nothing helped this situation. Ended up buying a converter at Best Buy yesterday for $40. πŸ’°

Manton Reece @manton
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