Thanks everyone who sent me feedback about how you are using’s email newsletters. I took this into account while finishing the new feature, but I realize it’s a functionality change. It is very rare that we change a feature so significantly. Felt like it had to be done.

@manton Is it possible to use microblog for long posts as well?

Manton Reece

@orthoheterodox1 Absolutely. I use it for my own blog which has both short and full-length blog posts with titles, categories, etc.

@manton ok. I'll have to check it out then. Thank you.

Art Kavanagh

That was quick! I’m looking forward to trying this out.

@manton Last question: would it be possible to use your micro blog to verify yourself here on Mastodon?

@manton Never mind. I figured it out. I'm good.

Manton Reece @manton
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