After recording @coreint today, I’m settling into the opinion that Apple Vision Pro is both brilliant and a terrible mistake. On the other hand, I’m sitting in my rental campervan in Colorado watching the NBA finals on my iPad Mini and wouldn’t mind that courtside VR action. 🏀

patrick t.

Ready Player One vibes, you sitting in a van with a xVR device on. 😁

Manton Reece

@ptrck Ha, totally.

Mark Kristensson

@manton seems like a fantastic technological marvel desperately in search of a problem to solve. The iPad is/was similar but its simplicity and low price have been its saving grace because its so versatile and can be used as a mini-TV, cheap laptop, giant iPhone, meeting portal, etc even if it’s never really found a true niche

Jarrod Blundy

I’m totally open to it being an at-home/travel-specific device. I don’t think I’m yearning for it to replace all my computing. Yet.

Manton Reece @manton
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