I posted a video to YouTube to demo Micro.blog’s new reading goals interface on the web. By default it’s private just for you, whether you want to read 2 books or 20. Or none! No pressure.

Thomas Brand

@manton now if only there was a way to import from Audible.

Pedro Corá

I have two 2023, is that a bug? I could not find a way to get rid of one:

Screenshot of the bookshelves page, showing duplicate entry

Ricardo Mendes

hey nice feature! I just tried it, blogged about a book I finished reading last week and was even added prior to the finished reading, but I don't see it going to my reading 2023 goal from the micro.blog web app.. Does it also work for previously added books or only future books?

Manton Reece

@pcora Oops, thanks. I've gone ahead and cleaned up the duplicate. Let me know if that pops up again.

Manton Reece

@rmdes It may take a couple minutes for the goal to be updated after posting. Do you see it now? Let me know what book it was if it's still not showing up.

Ricardo Mendes

oh alright, checking now!

Ricardo Mendes

yeah it's not showing upThis is the book blog.rmendes.net/2023/06/1...

Pedro Corá

thanks! I’ll do some organization around my books tomorrow and will report any issues. ;)

Manton Reece

@rmdes Sorry, should be updated now. There was a bug where it didn't always update the goal from the new interface. Fixing.

Ricardo Mendes

Yay! Gonna update my goal then! Neat feature and quite unique I must say the whole book section! Loving it!

Manton Reece

@rmdes Great to hear, thanks!

Manton Reece @manton
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