Can’t get enough of these James Cameron + Titan sub interviews. He seems to really know his stuff. Also not a bad track record as a director… Every movie starting with Terminator is good. Not just a few. All of them. 🍿

Manton Reece

@zwin Yep, I had forgotten until this week just how many times he had gone down to the Titanic. Pretty incredible.

Kevin Whalen

I sent a email to a few days ago. Not sure if it's going to spam (sending from a new Google Workspace account), but I figured I would ping you here just in case. It's regarding my “www” subdomain not properly redirecting to my root domain. Thanks!

Manton Reece

@kevinwhalen Sorry, will find it and reply shortly. Thanks!

Kevin Whalen


Frank Reiff

@manton I think this might be his next movie.

Buck ( Richard )

@manton I just can't get over the janky gaming controller they were using. I wouldn't have boarded the Sub, just based upon that.

Manton Reece @manton
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