Manually cross-posting to Threads to play with it and learn. As soon as it federates I’ll stop posting and people can just follow my blog directly.


I am hoping it federates and we can link up with it as with Mastodon. I've been quite satisfied being solely on for three years now and won't be using Threads myself, but it would be nice to be able to connect with some friends who will never leave the Big Tech platforms. :)

The Art Of Not Asking Why

@jabel sorry for kind of being under a rock about this - but the idea is that eventually (and hopefully) threads will be an option to cross post like the other ones we see now, yes?

Manton Reece

@jtr @jabel I would love that, but it's unlikely that Threads will allow it. Instead, Threads users will be able to follow accounts directly. cross-posting is only possible if Threads has a posting API.

The Art Of Not Asking Why

hmm unsurprising. So on threads I should be able to find or Because they don't show up.

Ryan M.

@jtr ActivityPub support wasn’t launched with Threads so there's no federation yet to allow following non-Thread users. The hope is we can trust Meta when they say support is coming.

The Art Of Not Asking Why

@kurite ah ok. Back under the rock I go then :)

Ryan M.

@jtr Haha. Same.

Brian Grinter

@manton apparently you can’t delete your profile without deleting your IG account
Hotel California - “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”

Manton Reece

@bgrinter Ha! Figures. This is clearly bootstrapped on Instagram's backend, not really a standalone service.

Manton Reece @manton
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