As I think about how to add tags to bookmarks in, I’ve been drawing inspiration from services like Pinboard but also my own (now sadly defunct) Mac app Clipstart. This video demo was from way back in 2009… I think the tagging UI is still really good.

Patrick Rhone

I forgot you did Clipstart. I loved that little app! A OneThingWell kind of app for sure.

Manton Reece

@patrickrhone Thanks! I still kind of miss the app. Just no longer fits into a world where everyone uses Apple Photos and iCloud.

Vivek Gani

@manton have you considered inspiration from #toolsforthought apps (roam, obsidian, logseq etc.)?

Just curious, I'm not too familiar with but have felt myself wanting to at least have tags that support whitespace as someone that's heavily used both pinboard and been notetaking more in Roam/Logseq the past few years.

Manton Reece

@vivekgani I've played with Obsidian a little. It's really impressive but the tagging doesn't seem quite right for what I want to do. I think tagging documents is different than tagging bookmarks.

Manton Reece

@letters Thanks, I'll check it out.

Jan Erik Moström

I'm still missing Clipstart, it was perfect for my videos. Now I'm just putting them in a folder on a disk, no organization at all 😞

Manton Reece @manton
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