Occasionally I go looking for new domains and I’m always annoyed with all the new TLDs that Amazon has reserved that they don’t allow anyone else to use: .book, .read, .like, and others. They’ve been sitting on these for years. It’s like domain squatting at a massive scale.

Uli Kusterer (Not a kitteh)

@manton Is that still permitted? I thought Google a while ago got dinged for hogging the .app domain and had to open it up for Apple app developers as well?

Manton Reece

@uliwitness I'm not sure. I just know that (for example) .book was reserved in 2015 and to my knowledge nothing has ever been done with it. I've never even seen Amazon-only URLs using it. tld-list.com/tld/book

Jamie Clark

@manton Not all the blame goes to commercial profit-seeking greed-heads for being greed-heads. I don't know anything about the situation you're describing, but generically, I think you're looking in the wrong direction.
Blame those who hold the public trust, but fail to regulate when damage is caused by profit-seeking greed-heads. (Seen many significant antitrust actions in the last few decades?)
Blame allegedly-non-commercial profit-seeking greed-heads if they run DNS issues like hypercapitalists, instead of for the good of the Internet.
There's an analogy here to squatting on empty land. Sometimes it's fine. But property rights only go so far – local jurisdictions have some rights about whether it's being used, and for what, and whether it's essential to common goals.

Antonio Rodrigues

I did not know that. I agree it is annoying. Why? Anyway, talking about TLDs, I am always amazed by the domain names used by some of the Mastodon instances. I have discovered many new TLDs just by observing the instances names.

Chris Enns

That’s so gross and antithetical to the web. 😔

Manton Reece @manton
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