Over the last couple years, I’ve gone from mostly reading books on a Kindle (Paperwhite), to only on the iPad Mini, and now back to the Kindle (basic 6-inch). Actually prefer the smallest screen.

Curtis Bridges :rocinante:

@manton I learned about this trend recently on Reddit -- people preferring the basic Kindle over both the Paperwhite and Oasis due to the smaller size. I was a little taken aback at first, but I get it.

I think under perfect conditions, the iPad mini could be considered the best experience (typical indoor lighting during the day) but the Kindle is good in all conditions, at least imo.

Pelle Wessman

@manton This is my one criticism of the Remarkable e-paper tablet, that it’s too big, I rarely read any books on it, for that I would want a 6-7 inch equivalent of it (trying to stay away from Amazon)

Paul Haddad :tapbots_logo:

@manton but how big is the font getting?


paper white for me, but I get it. Easier to handle the smaller device. On an E reader, the larger screen really is not much benefit.

David Hoang

That's the one I still have; think the 2019 one. Still in such good shape!

Sean C.

@manton just bought a pin iPad mini for reading since my books are across several stores


For me, it’s the opposite. I much prefer the greater information packing afforded by the Paperwhite while not being much larger.


@moonmehta I see your Paperwhite and raise you a Scribe.


@pratik The Scribe is too big for me. Also, I don't like handwritten notes. Digital typing all the way!

Jeremy Cherfas

I won’t go back to the Kindle, mostly because the highlighting and bookmarking is so much more accurate in the iPad.

Frank Reiff

@manton Against all expectations, I’ve found that the Kindle Scribe is actually my preferred device for reading books these days. All joking aside, reading with larger font sizes is actually a lot easier on the eyes and high dpi e-ink is just miles ahead of the iPad mini.

I bought my last gen iPad mini for reading on, but it’s just not very suited for it.

Manton Reece

@kq Reading on the iPad didn't bother me much, but e-ink on the Kindle is definitely better on the eyes.

Manton Reece

@jeremycherfas I mostly read novels and don't highlight anything, but yeah, I can see the iPad being much better for that.


@manton I went through a similar experience: Paperwhite > Basic > Kobo mini. The 5” ended up being the most comfortable thanks to its size and weight. If only small devices are made more these days.

Manton Reece

@anhdo The weight was a big factor in my decision too.


@manton Next up iPhone SE?

Manton Reece

@moonmehta The new basic Kindle has a smaller bezel now so it’s smaller than that one. But yeah, makes sense that they have multiple sizes.

Jason McFadden

Interesting. Do you prefer e-ink too? I, too, like the smaller hand-held screen point. But I really love e-ink. Hard to say which I’d prefer: 10” e-ink or 6” LCD, for example. Also: is reading ebooks on a phone too small?

Manton Reece

@jasonmcfadden I prefer e-ink. Sometimes I do read books on my iPhone, but only for a short time if no other device is around. Not ideal.

John Chandler

I often read on an iPad Mini, but I also use an old Kindle Voyage that I bought refurbished years ago -- I feel like it was an overlooked model, but in many ways hits a sweet spot. Small and light, with nice page turn buttons. I'll be sad when it finally dies.

Jandy Hardesty

Print books all the way, lol. I do use a basic Kindle when I have to read an ebook for some reason, and I like the size a lot (it fits in my back jeans pocket!). But I prefer physical books by a very large margin. Even though they don’t generally fit in my jeans pocket.

Manton Reece

@faithx5 Oh yeah, print is the best reading experience. For convenience I probably read 75% e-books or audiobooks now... Running out of room for print books.

Manton Reece

@johnchandler It is interesting that the Oasis (💰) is the only way to get real buttons now.

Jandy Hardesty

Oh, I feel that. As I sideeye the two boxes of used books I’ve bought in the past couple of months and have no shelf space for. At least my husband is supportive…so far…of my habit.

Manton Reece @manton
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