Over the last couple years, I’ve gone from mostly reading books on a Kindle (Paperwhite), to only on the iPad Mini, and now back to the Kindle (basic 6-inch). Actually prefer the smallest screen.

@manton I learned about this trend recently on Reddit -- people preferring the basic Kindle over both the Paperwhite and Oasis due to the smaller size. I was a little taken aback at first, but I get it.
I think under perfect conditions, the iPad mini could be considered the best experience (typical indoor lighting during the day) but the Kindle is good in all conditions, at least imo.

@manton This is my one criticism of the Remarkable e-paper tablet, that it’s too big, I rarely read any books on it, for that I would want a 6-7 inch equivalent of it (trying to stay away from Amazon)

paper white for me, but I get it. Easier to handle the smaller device. On an E reader, the larger screen really is not much benefit.

That's the one I still have; think the 2019 one. Still in such good shape!

@manton just bought a pin iPad mini for reading since my books are across several stores

For me, it’s the opposite. I much prefer the greater information packing afforded by the Paperwhite while not being much larger.

@pratik The Scribe is too big for me. Also, I don't like handwritten notes. Digital typing all the way!

I won’t go back to the Kindle, mostly because the highlighting and bookmarking is so much more accurate in the iPad.

@manton Against all expectations, I’ve found that the Kindle Scribe is actually my preferred device for reading books these days. All joking aside, reading with larger font sizes is actually a lot easier on the eyes and high dpi e-ink is just miles ahead of the iPad mini.
I bought my last gen iPad mini for reading on, but it’s just not very suited for it.

@kq Reading on the iPad didn't bother me much, but e-ink on the Kindle is definitely better on the eyes.

@jeremycherfas I mostly read novels and don't highlight anything, but yeah, I can see the iPad being much better for that.

@manton I went through a similar experience: Paperwhite > Basic > Kobo mini. The 5” ended up being the most comfortable thanks to its size and weight. If only small devices are made more these days.

@moonmehta The new basic Kindle has a smaller bezel now so it’s smaller than that one. But yeah, makes sense that they have multiple sizes.

Interesting. Do you prefer e-ink too? I, too, like the smaller hand-held screen point. But I really love e-ink. Hard to say which I’d prefer: 10” e-ink or 6” LCD, for example. Also: is reading ebooks on a phone too small?

@jasonmcfadden I prefer e-ink. Sometimes I do read books on my iPhone, but only for a short time if no other device is around. Not ideal.

I often read on an iPad Mini, but I also use an old Kindle Voyage that I bought refurbished years ago -- I feel like it was an overlooked model, but in many ways hits a sweet spot. Small and light, with nice page turn buttons. I'll be sad when it finally dies.

Print books all the way, lol. I do use a basic Kindle when I have to read an ebook for some reason, and I like the size a lot (it fits in my back jeans pocket!). But I prefer physical books by a very large margin. Even though they don’t generally fit in my jeans pocket.

@faithx5 Oh yeah, print is the best reading experience. For convenience I probably read 75% e-books or audiobooks now... Running out of room for print books.

@johnchandler It is interesting that the Oasis (💰) is the only way to get real buttons now.

Oh, I feel that. As I sideeye the two boxes of used books I’ve bought in the past couple of months and have no shelf space for. At least my husband is supportive…so far…of my habit.