I recorded a video walk-through of Epilogue today and posted it here. Shows off the basics of tracking books you’re reading, and also a few not-so-obvious features.

@manton currently have 100s of books in Goodreads so import would be nice. Also something to track progress through page count

@bgrinter Goodreads import is available on the web: Bookshelves → … → Import.

@manton Very cool! Does Epilogue pick up audiobooks, or only audiobooks that also exist in print?

Thanks! This showed off several things I hadn’t done yet. I don’t see, though, how to create custom shelves in Epilogue? Also, when you blog from an a book can you make the cover post as well? Last request: Would love integration with The Storygraph as well as Goodreads, etc!

@faithx5 You have to create extra bookshelves in Micro.blog on the web for now, then they will show up in Epilogue. I’ll add this to a future version. Nothing special for covers yet. Thanks!