Discovered the Snow Peak brand of camping-related products this week… Love the design. I didn’t know I needed $50 chopsticks for camping, but now I want them! Seriously though, some amazing stuff here. Camp stove with modular kitchen setup looks great.

Phi Φ

@manton holy frijoles, I need all of their bags & cases

Manton Reece

@Sci_Phi Exactly. 💸


@manton Yes! Love their stuff! And it lasts forever…

Matt Massicotte

@manton I have the chopsticks! They have held up so-so, one did break. But I also use them a ton.

Justin Miller

I don't have much of their stuff, but this cutting board/knife combo is particularly nice in my van:


@manton i have the spork and the screw on stove for gas canisters and, maybe a few mugs and things. all titanium of course, most Snow Peak. All ten years old so some maybe the rubber gasket on the micro stove needs replacing.

sadly i can’t walk across a parking lot without a cane anymore so it’s all for naught.

they’re yours if you want them. they deserve to be taken into the backcountry again and used.

Manton Reece

@isaiah Sorry to hear that. Thank you, though! I’m still in the browsing phase for now… We might be moving soon-ish so probably shouldn’t take on anything new while we get rid of stuff. 🙂 Some camping equipment just went to the curb for bulky item pickup.


@manton do you know where you’re moving yet? just across town?

moving is on our to do list now too. our house is just too big. but we’re just sort of beginning to think about it and where. getting the house ready to sell will probably take us a year (if we’re lucky).

after some digging. there’s a fairly solid chance i can get sponsored for canadian citizenship. 😲 which would give me a lots of interesting (and cooler) options.

Manton Reece

@isaiah Yeah, escaping Texas summers would be nice. For us, just across town to start with. All the kids moved out, really want to downsize and be a little more central.

Jim Rea

@shepgo @manton @isaiah There’s only two seasons in Buffalo - Winter and July 11 🥵. (Heard on an HBO comedy special in 1981, always stuck with me.)

Jim Rea

@shepgo @manton @isaiah It’s of course not literally true, I was in Buffalo in August 2019 and it definitely wasn’t winter.

Jim Kubicek

@manton I got the GigaPower stove as a gift almost 20 years ago and it still works perfectly. The peizo still sparks, the rubber gaskets are still rubbery. I can’t believe it’s still going. Every so often I look into replacing it, but even modern stoves aren’t much better.

Manton Reece

@Kubi That's impressive. Very few things last 20 years anymore.

Jim Kubicek

@manton I was thinking what stuff I have that’s still going strong after 20 years and it’s all camping gear.

I got my thermarest sleeping pad for Christmas 1999 and my kids just slept on it this last week in Glacier National Park.

Manton Reece @manton
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