Why am I watching another Republican debate? It’s chaotic, awkward… Just kind of a mess. Maybe this should be like the State of the Union format so Biden gets a few minutes to respond at the end. 🇺🇸

There's an easy answer to that one. Biden is not a Republican, so he doesn't belong on the Republican Debate stage.

I no longer watch primary debates for any office of any party. The candidates know it’s not about the night, about the impressions which are formed by watching it live. They slice up their zingers for ads and fundraising. Those who watch clips will form vastly different impressions than those who watch live.
And so it isn’t that I want the later context instead of the former, but my priors for what I want in a debate aren’t there for a primary debate. So doing something else is a better use of my time.

@Ron Right, to be clear I meant how after a president's State of the Union address, the other party gets a "rebuttal" on TV. Just half serious, though.

As you know, but maybe some outside the US don't, the State of the Union has the full House and Senate, as well as the Supremes, so I give you no credit at all, even as half serious. It is not serious, not analogous at all, and not worthy of any discussion at all. Now go to your room!

Had it on, but didn't watch close. I'm an independent (admittedly left leaning) who can't imagine voting for any of them, but it's discouraging that the lowest polling person on the stage was the only one who really seems interested in the practical work of governing.