Nice post by Remy Sharp about intercepting broken links and redirecting them to the Internet Archive. Reminds me of the Premium feature (see video on YouTube) where we archive a copy of any web page you link to. I’d love to do more with this.

Rene van Belzen

Assuming isn’t sued into oblivion by publishers or other copyright holders. Have you considered alternatives? One solution is no solution.

Manton Reece

@renevanbelzen I think they’ll be alright, but that is why archives a copy on our own servers, so it works without

Manton Reece

@mejh I've changed this a couple times. Currently everyone gets their own copy of the archived web page, but it is considered public so could be shared in the future as an optimization. We also keep newer versions if a page has changed, at most one copy per day.

Manton Reece @manton
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