Watching Biden react to the chaos in the world, the narrative that he is “too old” just does not match reality. He’s competent and thoughtful. Meanwhile almost nothing Trump says makes any sense. Biden is doing the job of president and Trump is still on some kind of improv stand-up comedy tour. 🇺🇸

Agree wholeheartedly. Trump is a carnival barker who had no business running the country.

@manton I have thought for about 7 years that Trump's speeches resemble stand-up routines more than anything else. But it's a particularly sad kind of stand-up routine: it's a routine of a comedian past his prime, no longer making up new material, just going over the old stuff to legions of fans who can't let go.
But the cadence is unmistakable.
But not funny.

@manton he should NOT have offered our unconditional aid. It was beyond reckless to not insist on conditions, beyond foolish. Netanyahu is now making a down payment on more of this conflict, not less, not an end.