Kottke.org is bringing back blog comments. Members-only, which seems like a nice solution. I think we’ll see more of this as the social web evolves away from silos.

Jarrod Blundy

That was my first thought as well. I rarely feel the urge to comment in places unless I’m invested there. And if I’m invested, it’s not a huge ask to throw a few dollars their way. Same with podcasts where you can ask hosts questions to be answered on air. Holding that behind a paywall seems is totally fair.

Patrick Rhone

Agree. Very sensible way to handle it. I love the idea.


I loved the idea for restricting commenting for members only. Have you thought of an equivalent for Micro.blog?

Jarrod Blundy

@pratik Lol Micro.blog almost has the opposite approach. With a free account you can reply to others’ posts to your heart’s content. But you have to pay to create original posts.


@jarrod Yup. For Kottke, it works great for moderation and yet makes members feel special. So I wondered what’s the equivalent for Micro.blog. More features, yes.


@pratik I know things have evolved a bit, but isn't that the original premise of Micro.blog already? You have a website where you post. And members of Micro.blog can comment on your posts (Though I don't know, do MB hosted blogs allow comments from anyone?) Or you mean paying members specifically?


@moritz Anyone can comment. I meant it as a comment for the moderators to curb spam or a person creating an account simply to harass someone.

Manton Reece @manton
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