Finished reading: Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell by Brandon Sanderson. Hadn’t realized until I had finished The Sunlit Man that I had missed this Cosmere novella. 📚

@manton Did you also read Sixth of the Dusk? Though not referenced like Shadows, it came out around the same time(ish) and might be another that could have slipped through.

@longbored I did read that one! I checked the list again and think I’ve got them all now.

@manton I’ve been quite enjoying Sanderson. I’m almost done with Alloy of Law after finishing the Mistborn trilogy. Curious if the film adaptation can do it justice.

@bens Glad you're enjoying them! It sounds like no film deal has happened and might not anytime soon as Hollywood gets cold feet on epic fantasy. I'd be fine if these stay book-only.

@manton I don’t have any recent updates, but last I heard they were in the early stages of it. At least Sanderson is open to the idea, and has said that it may deviate slightly from the books to fit the format.