Testing out SupportAgent.ai which uses AI to draft answers to support email. It is blowing my mind. However, human replies are always better, so not sure I can actually use it. Also, it replies to spam! 🤣 Here’s a screenshot to give an idea of how powerful it is but also how potentially wrong.

Screenshot of draft email from SupportAgent.ai.

I think soon we’ll have businesses that specifically market “only humans”.

Against The Future

I'm in the "if you couldn't be bothered to write it, why should I be bothered to read it camp."

I can only imagine my chagrin as a customer if I ever received an AI generated response to a support ticket.

Greg Moore

Spam senders are probably using AI to compose as well so the two services should have a nice time endlessly talking whilst charging you.


Go ahead and use AI for the most common support-related questions. If it saves you from writing the same answer again and again, it's worth it.

Matt Huyck

@jdm Agreed. It’s appropriate for the support humans to lean on help from a bot in doing their jobs, but I find it offensive when I have to respond to an auto reply bot that clearly misunderstood my question before reaching a human. If I’m a paying customer entitled to support, that is.

Matt Huyck

@jdm Generally speaking, unless advertised as a “support bot,” my expectation when taking time to send e-mail is that I will reach a human.

Manton Reece

@fgtech @jdm Yes, I see this as a tool to help humans, not to eliminate the reading and crafting of a reply completely. I need to read all the emails we get because that’s how I learn what is confusing or important to people.

Manton Reece @manton
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