We have a new page highlighting Micro.blog’s support for IndieWeb building blocks. Thanks @paulrobertlloyd for the new icons!

Nice! Is there an Idiot's guide to webmentions, by any chance (me being the idiot)? Other than @-mentioning a micro.blog user, I don't think I've ever gotten it to work.

@miljko What are you trying to do, send a Webmention to a blog outside of Micro.blog? For some technical bits, this chapter of my book may help. In a nutshell, if you want to manually send a reply elsewhere (without using Micro.blog's reply feature), you need to mark up the link with u-in-reply-to

very nice .. and cool iconography. I would add one more point … unsure of where it fits …
Syndication … very much so … but I find the flip side … aggregation … equally compelling … that is feed anything else you are doing ‘out there’ … into your single microblog feed.

@manton @paulrobertlloyd looks like the bottom of the page is having issues on iOS Safari? Cross site blocking?

@phils seems to be a CDN issue at the moment. Needs investigation as I’ve seen some bits go wrong since yesterday… cc

@miljko I am also a little lost! Thanks for posting this question. I’ll check out those resources Manton posted soon. In my case, I wanted to reply to someone’s Mastadon post, but for some reason their post was not showing up in their MB-translated feed so I couldn’t direct reply.

@heyjonathan Yep, that's exactly it. I'll try it out the next time I'm replying! Now, if someone without much technical proficiency wanted to reply to my own post in their blog without the micro.blog interface, is there anything I could do to help? Have a button with pop-up instructions on how to do it, or something like that…?