Silver lining to getting sick and rerouting my trip back home for speed is I got to see Joshua Tree National Park. The original plan had me in Utah today.

Yucca tree and mountains in the desert.
Greg Pierce

One of my favorite places.


@manton that looks gorgeous. I’m sad that you aren’t getting to see Utah though. There are some incredible late fall colors mixing with the first snow caps on the mountains right now.

David Sinclair

Joshua Tree is one of my all-time favorite parks. It can be busy, but plenty of less crowded areas too.

Jim Mitchell

I know you’re under the weather, but did you camp in JT, or just drive through? This is one of my favorite places to hike.

Manton Reece

@jimmitchell Just drive through. When I got sick I decided no more camping this trip. Maybe will be back one day to explore more.

The Micro Blog

I hope you can get back to visit Joshua Tree at night. The stars are simply amazing!


@manton that’s amazing! Hope you’re feeling better!

Manton Reece @manton
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