Finished reading: Divergent by Veronica Roth. Wasn’t planning on getting this but it was on Libby’s no-wait list when I was queuing up books for my trip. Never saw the movie. 📚

Smythe Richbourg

I really enjoyed the book, and the follow-ons as well. The movies were not too bad renditions, but as always, the inner world of characters never quite play out on the screen the way they do on the page/reader. Read the rest - it's a good arc.

Al Power

unsure if I asked this before but do you use an e-reader that works with Libby? Really keen to try it.

Frank Reiff

@manton Not the worst young adult book. The sequels get progressively worse but show that.. yes, the author knows that real people don’t usually fall neatly into 4 caricature types. Movie isn’t bad for a 🍿 evening.

Manton Reece @manton
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