Dealing with fallout from another server failure. We have pretty good redundancy most places, except ironically some of the most stable parts that always felt low on the list to prioritize because they never failed… until they did. Picking up the pieces, improving a few things for later.

@pimoore I'm not sure, but it's a good guess that all issues today are related to this. However, it's also possible that some timeline updates and cross-posting are still queued to finish.

@aloysiusbest So sorry that happened. We've lost some recent follower data in the failure, unfortunately. I'm trying to see what I can do, but if you've been able to re-follow people, that's great. I'm taking steps to prevent this from happening again.

is this why my mentions tab in the app suddenly has nothing later than 6 November? I know there are definitely ones after that date.

@meandering My mentions have also reverted to nothing after November 8th.

@pimoore My follow list has gone the other way. I pruned it recently, and now the count has gone back up.