I’ve been eyeing a specific domain name for several months. It’s a premium TLD and I can’t really justify the price. But every once in a while like today I come this close to grabbing it, then talk myself out of it. Whew.

Is this an alternative fancier domain for micro.blog? Resist. I live by a motto that I only buy things I need, not want. There is always something new I want, but there are very few things I need. I think you don’t need it, otherwise you wouldn’t have any doubts.

@manton I’ve been toying with a similar idea. But, it’s not worth the price - especially since the renewals are also premium priced.

@yurkevich It's good advice. You're right, I don't need it. It might be helpful later, but also it might not.

@jonah So disappointing whenever I stumble on an old domain that expired and got taken over by spammers. AI will probably make these sites look more real, but also AI can probably detect when it's a mess of links that mean nothing, so hopefully it's all a wash.

It's worse when you get to a site you knew for years and find its been taken over by porn spammers.

@manton I let one lapse when I was unemployed and now it’s being squatted for $20k. 😞