Today we’re rolling out some major improvements to domain name support in We’ve had domain name registration for a while, but it was fairly limited. Now you can transfer domain names to hosting and let handle all the details. We also have a better management interface for adding custom DNS records.
Here’s a screenshot:
To register or transfer a domain name, in on the web click Account → Get a Domain Name.
There’s no requirement to use for domain names if you want to keep your domain name at another hosting provider. Some people like to keep domain name registration separate from their blog hosting. But if you’d like everything under your subscription, now it’s easier.
Alexandra Oh, now this is interesting. How much do you charge for a .ca domain name?
Manton Reece @alexink Looks like .ca is $20/year. We are not going to be the cheapest registrar... We add some to the base cost to help cover managing everything.
Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran @alexink Makes me wonder if is taken…
Jarrod Blundy wow! That’s fantastic. Thanks for being so diligent in helping people to own their space on the web.
Manton Reece @aloysiusbest I hadn't even heard of .best! But yes, looks like it does work, and it is a little more expensive than most common domains.
Simon Woods Yes! This is such a good addition 🙌
I like how well this aligns with "Own your domain".
Manton Reece @aloysiusbest Thanks! .best is currently $37/year for new registrations, but for some reason it's $106/year for transfers. Ouch. To be honest I'm not sure why, must be something with our registrar partner
Alexandra No, that's fair. The last place charged me $18.99 Cnd. And I'm looking to give my a proper name.
Alexandra @odd Oh, now there's a fun one. I like 😜
Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran
Alexandra @odd It would come with a BIG RED BUTTON.
Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran @alexink “Don’t panic, don’t panic…ok, now panic!” 🔴
Alexandra @odd I just might buy this one and have nothing on the website except the big red button!!
Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran @alexink That’s how several of mine sites are now, only with a “logo” instead of a panic button.
Alexandra @odd Let's bring the sense of fun back to blogging!!
Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran @alexink I just recently bought “”, or did I already tell you that? 🤤
Alexandra @odd Ha! Ha! That's priceless! 🤣