Castro is back online and Tiny is considering finding a new home for the app, via Rob Fahrni. For we host podcasts, and we have our Wavelength app, but we’ve thought about doing more. Kind of neat to imagine Castro in our suite of apps if we had a non-$0 acquisition budget.


business loan or get a silent partner with a minority stake

Jarrod Blundy


Munish Pruthi

@pratik I would say, we as users could be the silent partner’s. However, we are not very silent 🙃

Daniel Jalkut

Maybe they would "sell" it to you for $0! Beats letting it lie fallow.


@AndyNicolaides As we say back home, hacemos un pote, "we make a can" meaning we can all chip-in, let's buy this thing 😃

Karl Oscar Weber

@manton I tried to get find funding to acquire Castro last year. It’s a great product with a lot of potential, but also a lot going for it already.
I worked on Castro for about 6 months last year.

Manton Reece

@Kowfm Congrats on working on it. It really is a unique app, hope it finds a good home.

Khaled Abou Alfa

I switched over to airshow. Podcasts and Feedbin go together like a glove.

Mark G.

if it’s Bending Spoons the app is dead !


@manton feels like it could be a good fit for Automattic too if it’s got enough users to run profitably.

Manuel Riess

@harpaa01 oh please no! They already have a Podcast client I don’t like 😅

Manton Reece

@harpaa01 Automattic does own Pocket Casts already, though. (I had to check to remember…)


@manton I had forgotten that they acquired Pocket Casts! Yeah they probably don’t need to own two unless the goal is to merge the users together.

Manton Reece @manton
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