I’ve been putting off an infrastructure upgrade because 💰, going to bring online another new server today. This would be a great time for everyone to upgrade to Micro.blog Premium. 🙂 Seriously though, you’ll get a major new feature launching next month.


now I’m curious…


Don't you mean... next year? 😋

Manton Reece

@timapple Not yet, I'm sure I'll post more about it as we get closer.

Manton Reece

@Gaby Ha, technically yes. Shooting for early January, though.


can’t wait!! 😁

Jim Mitchell

Oooh... New stuff. 🎉 This makes me happy I'm already a premium subscriber. I'd recommend it to anyone else who's considering going premium too!


@jimmitchell If I wanted to act more eager, I would ask to hurry up and ship before the holidays so I can gift premium subscriptions to my friends :)

Jim Mitchell

@pratik LOL. Never rush a talented developer in their release cycle... It's a recipe for disaster. 🤣

However, you could still gift premium to friends, you know... I'm sure would be very encouraged by it. 😉

James R. Hull

already on it and looking forward!

David Sinclair

the only new feature I want is timeline syncing (actually just position restoration on launch). I’d happily pay more for that.

Dan McMullen

upgraded… now (im)patiently waiting. 😋

Manton Reece

@jomalo Thank you!


@jimmitchell Hehe. So my distorting of the reality field didn’t work?

Manton Reece

@birming Thank you! It's not movies, though. That is still on our radar.

Numeric Citizen

Can't wait! I'm a proud supporter of Micro.blog as a paying member and as someone who puts videos about MB from time to time!

Antonio Rodrigues

I've just upgrade. Looking forward to what you have in store for next month.

Manton Reece

@antonior Thank you!

Manton Reece @manton
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