Made a little architecture diagram for that reflects the recent server upgrades. A couple simplifications but it’s pretty close to how things work.

Boxes and arrows showing the different app servers, database servers, and static file servers.

sexy 😍


@manton Neat! So, the balancer decides if you are trying to publish or consume? And depending on that it sends the request to the Ruby App or the Static servers?

Paul Grav

@manton What % of resource utilisation are you getting out of those App instances? Is Ruby that memory hungry?

Manton Reece

@paulgrav I don't really need that much memory and would rather have smaller servers but more of them. I glossed over that they are both web servers and also handle the background tasks plus running Hugo.

Numeric Citizen

always cool to get those behind the scenes look!

Matt Garber

@manton I know you’ve probably mentioned before, but is’s “Ruby” Rails, Sinatra or some other framework, or essentially all custom Ruby code (e.g., your own “framework”)?

Manton Reece

@matt_garber Sinatra.

Manton Reece @manton
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