I thought we had mostly avoided the Mastodon spam from the last couple of days, but it must’ve hit some users because there were a bunch of extra spam reports. I continue to have mixed feelings about how Mastodon handles private messages. Need to rethink Micro.blog’s implementation.

most of the spam that hit yesterday at least to me where from accounts with no posts, followers or followings. Burn-accounts. Also to multiple recipients per post. Not sure that helps you.

@manton I didn’t even know mastodon had DMs. Or I just assumed they weren’t actually private?

@Archimage It does help. I think we should detect that and ignore those messages, although spammers could do a better job of creating fake accounts too.

@miguel Yeah, they aren't exactly DMs, more like private mentions. They aren't encrypted and they are readable to anyone running your Mastodon server, for example.

@manton ah gotcha. They’re just more like… non-public posts with me and one other user and the server admin

glad i was able to help. Also may want to pass it through a spam filter looking for things like onlyfans in the body, which is what all the spam was pushing.

@manton my spam DM on Mastodon is far less than i ever experinced on #ElmosFolly