I get Apple’s stance on privacy and tracking, but clearing cookies and especially localStorage after 7 days inactivity is just too extreme. Hurts legitimate usage of these web APIs.

Philip Zastrow

@manton is that what is going on?! I've been thinking I have some setting turned on or one of my extensions is freaking out.

Manton Reece

@zastrow Yep, took me a while to figure out why sessions were so short-lived. I like Safari, but considering moving away just because of this.

Bryan Irace

@manton If you use HTTP cookies instead of JavaScript, they’ll last a lot longer. Doesn’t help you with localStorage though.

Sven Dahlstrand

Yeah, the storage eviction in Safari is frustrating. You might have some luck with the Storage API and navigator.storage.persist(). It's not guaranteed, though.

Origin might be excluded from eviction if it has active page at the time of eviction, or its storage is in persistent mode. By default, all origins use a best-effort mode, which means their persistence is not guaranteed and their data can be evicted. An origin can request persistent mode using the Storage API introduced below.

From Updates to Storage Policy on the WebKit blog.

Dr. Adam Procter

moving my own app nodenogg.in to be totally decentralised p2p using local storage so this will be a royal pain

Elliot Shank

You don't work with enough "enterprise" authentication… 7 days with inactivity is luxurious. Some things I deal with use 6 hours even with activity.

🌮 Dave Millar 🌮

@manton wow, that’s not much time at all! A project I contribute to uses local storage to save progress while solving puzzles, and I personally sometimes take a week or two to get back to a difficult puzzle in progress. That’s a huge bummer for Safari users.


@clonezone 6 hours? Wow! And I thought that 24 hours is extreme already.


No settings to override it?


Incidentally, how does the cookie-killing new Chrome handle this?

Colin Devroe

Where is this policy?

Manton Reece

@rom I'm not familiar with the Chrome changes. Quick search seems to indicate that cookies last about a year.


@clonezone 6 hours? Wow! And I thought that 24 hours is extreme already.


Incidentally, how does the cookie-killing new Chrome handle this?


but aren't they killing cookies?

Manton Reece @manton
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