Because my thinking-out-loud about news headlines in went over so well, for my next trick I’m planning to go into hardware: will have a really small screen.

Patrick Rhone

Ha! I could not make my response to the "News" idea and @Denny's and other's thoughts short enough so I wrote this: How I Think About // Patrick Rhone


Great idea! :)

Paul Craig

Can you somehow deliver this to consumers at a sub $2,000 price point?

Bruce Steinberg

1 μm by 1 μm?

annie's micro(b)log

and half of the screen is a news tickers 🤣


I vote for Teenage Engineering to do the hardware 😋

Odd-Egil “Oddzthrash” Auran

@Annie Oh, I’d nearly forgotten about those!

Manton Reece

@Annie Haha.

Manton Reece

@Bruce Exactly. 🙂

Manton Reece

@otaviocc It took me a minute to get that! Nicely done.

Ridwan Jaafar

@otaviocc This is brilliant. Maybe can compete with the big wigs like Rhode & Shure microphones. 🤣

Ridwan Jaafar

Displaying one letter at a time 🥳

Luke M. Perez


Greg Moore

@patrickrhone This is the exact same essay I wanted to write but didn’t have the time for in the middle of the workday. Thank you for thoughtfully expressing this idea so well.

Patrick Rhone

@gregmoore Thanks for the kind feedback and reading.

Jarrod Blundy

Now you’re just teasing us iPhone mini lovers! 😝

Manton Reece @manton
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