I have a knee-jerk reaction to products that only the well-off can afford. See also: Apple Watch Edition. All product design is a trade-off on limited time and the constraints of technology. The first iPod was $399 but a few years later it was affordable and everywhere. Apple Vision Pro is not that.

@manton MacBook Air, and iPad Air and below are the only affordable products Apple makes.. in those categories as far as I can tell.


@parzzix @manton The MacBook air started as a very expensive premium model and is now the base, standard, and best-selling one. There will certainly be a non-pro Vision (that "pro" is not accidental) but it will be a long time before it's mass-market.


@manton As expensive as the Vision is, and as unlikely as I am to get one, I still like Apple going in that direction. Much more in their wheelhouse than, say, a car.

Patrick Rhone

@jeannie When ever one uses that term (especially as it applies to housing), I always append the natural next question of, "Affordable for whom?" Because the very definition of the word relies on perception to have any meaning at all.

Michael Gemar

@manton I would expect that either Apple produces much cheaper versions of this product category over the next few years, or it is forced to abandon this line of products.

That said, this line of products is essentially a laptop with two high-end displays, so it can only get so cheap.

Jason McFadden

@manton Look at it this way: for $3,500, one can buy a lot of new, tried-and-true computer gear. Example: I can buy a new Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, and a MacBook for less than $3,500.

Maybe Apple Visio Pro will attract folks into the store willing to part with $3,500, but they walk out with a cart full of other Apple tech.


@manton meta quest 3 is 599$. I see an Apple Vision (Non Pro) for less than 1.000$ in less than 5 years.

Phillip Upton


In my mind the Vision Pro is a developer kit with an open beta.

Chris Grayson

definitely too pricy for the mass market now, but that will come down. amazing tech; I haven't used one yet but can't wait. agree it's not a development priority for many apps, but for games, movies, & immersive stuff that barely exists yet, I think this will (eventually) be a big hit

Manton Reece

@patrickrhone @jeannie I was thinking of the iPod Shuffle which got down to $49. But you're right, it's relative.

Mark G.

laughs in computing in the late 80s/early 90s

In 1984: From Wikipedia: “It sold for US$2,495 (equivalent to $7,000 in 2022”

The Vison Pro is half the price of the first Macintosh !

JL Gatewood

Guys, we have smartphones that are half this price that are in peoples pockets.

There is most definitely a market for it.

Manton Reece @manton
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