Brent Simmons blogging after the new Apple linking policy:

But I need to remember, now and again, that Apple is a corporation, and corporations aren’t people, and they can’t love you back. You wouldn’t love GE or Exxon or Comcast — and you shouldn’t love Apple. It’s not an exception to the rule: there are no exceptions.

Lou Plummer

The same logic applies to sports teams. They're giant corporations people have emotional relationships with. I'm sorry but the Yankees will never love you back.


@manton Yeah, all kinds of "malicious compliance”

kim e landwehr

When I read the new Apple linking policy this morning it reminded me how heavy-handed Apple can be. Brent Simmon's article gave words to my thoughts.

Todor Vlaev

It is a very interesting point, because the more we dehumanize companies the easier it is for them to pull off “graceless” decisions and communications. Companies are made of people and decisions are made by people, yet here we are. 🤔

Manton Reece @manton
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