With all the App Store EU changes, briefly considered that maybe my iPhone 14 Pro will be my last iPhone. It is a great phone, but I’m not currently inspired to drop $1k in Apple’s lap every couple years. Think I’ll keep it a while.
@manton I find they last a good 3 years now. And if you did a battery replacement that could realistically stretch to 5?
I'm still with my iPhone 14 Pro too, and I think it will last long, it's a great phone and I try to keep it in good shape. But I don't imagine myself going to an Android phone after this 14 Pro. I tried once, I bought a Samsung Android phone. Boy, did I miss iOS...
@eumrz Yes, I much prefer iOS. And it is hard to imagine not having iMessage.
I had an iPhone 8 pro max that for some reason just stopped getting T-mobile US frequencies but still worked in Japan on Docomo. So I had to upgrade to an iPhone 12 pro Max. and I've been here ever since. Keep telling myself I'm not upgrading phones again until it either breaks like the last one, or there's an iPhone Vision or something. Last phone I had before the 8 was an OG OnePlus One I got for free basically. Because I could flash CyanogenMod (!) onto it, it limped along, but Apple just has better long-lasting hardware.
@manton I get the sentiment, but what’s the alternative? Give Google money instead? Samsung?! Apple are being stubborn as a mule, but the competition are mostly gross. Rock, meet hard place.
That would not be a problem for me. WhatsApp is the default messaging app in Spain. Right now, I think I could not live without Shortcuts.
@manton I'd like to imagine a reality in which Nokia+Microsoft had a viable 3rd option Windows Phone. Wish they hadn't given up.
@manton just as long as you keep paying for Apple services muwaha ha ha ha.
Apple points to Google (Android) and Google points to Apple to claim they don't have monopolies. But the two systems are more alike than they are different. What we need is a true alternative. Something different.
@danielstucke Three years! My iPhone 7 lasted from 2017 to 2022 without any trouble, and still serves me as a webcam now.
@manton No problem for a “14”. But if you had an “8” with the huge upgrades available on the “15” you might want an upgrade. So let’s see where the iPhone goes. Wife has an iPhone 11, really wants the 5X zoom of the iPhone 16 Pro that I have on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. Then she can wait a few years 🙂
my iPhone 7 is still working just fine. However, keeping an eye on the Volla phone volla.online/en/
just read the comments and not sure i understand the connection between an iphone update rate and EU changes .. what have I missed?
Meanwhile proud owner of an '11' and no current plans to replace.
@JohnPhilpin In a nutshell, the EU changes are developer-hostile and make me want to spend less money on Apple products. But I'm not ready to give up on Apple. They still make great products.
@devilgate yeah fair enough. I’m perhaps an extreme case in that I have a habit of going out running for 5+ hours at a time constantly running gps / audio etc so battery struggles after a few years. £80 replacement and it’s good to continue again for another few years though.
@manton I think you considered it before, but what about trying an Android phone? That would make for some excellent CoreInt topics!
aahh - so not related - other than you don’t want to deal with an 'evil' company. Got it. Thankyou.
I started with iPhone 3G, then got 4S (Siri), 6S, SE 2020. The latter satisfies all my needs, I adjusted to small battery life by using my iPhone less and using Mac more. There’s no real need to change your iPhone every 2 years. And I pay £4 a month for my pay-as-go SIM plan.
@manton I’ve had similar thoughts.. I love Apple’s products, especially the Mac, but the thought of giving THAT company my money does make my skin crawl.
I’m a Mac developer so I can’t really swap over to Windows (nor do I really want to), but do I really need iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, AirPods, etc..?