Today we’ve added a brand new option for manual cross-posting from to other services, including Threads. This new option is great for services that don’t yet have an open API, so can’t automatically post to them, or for when you want to edit and preview your posts before sending them elsewhere.
This feature is for blogs hosted on, so it’s available in the Posts page where you manage your blog posts:
This brings support for Threads for the first time. When choosing Threads, will reformat your blog post as plain text, truncate it if necessary, and copy the text over to Threads where you can finish sending the post. You will need to be signed into Threads in your web browser, or in the Threads app on mobile.
Twitter X is also now back in a more limited form with this new cross-posting option. We still can’t automatically post to Twitter X because of their API changes. There’s also the usual suspects like Mastodon, Tumblr, and Bluesky.
This feature doesn’t work exactly like’s existing, automatic cross-posting, so be sure to check out the help page for the details. In future updates, I expect that the two different ways of cross-posting will look more similar.
Last month we teased that a major new feature is coming to soon. Whenever we add something new, folks ask if the new thing is the major feature… Nope, this cross-posting improvement isn’t it either! You’ll know when we ship it next month because it comes with its own section of, a new companion app for iOS and Android, and an update to the macOS app. Stay tuned.
Tim Chambers
Jamie Thingelstad this is really good — great innovative approach!
JL Gatewood and this STILL ain't the upgrade of ages™️ we've been waiting on baited breath for? You have been a very, very busy beaver my friend.
Simon Woods Very nice addition!
Also, that last sentence made me break out in a cold sweat. Another one of those "people forget the absolute size of" moments.
Lou Plummer If it weren't for, I wouldn't even try to participate in Threads or Bluesky, but you make it so easy. Might as well.
Pratik Great addition. So effectively, we can disable auto-crosspost and then manually crosspost at any time, right? If I post at 1 pm and manually crosspost at 5 pm, what will be the timestamp on the other platform?
Manton Reece @pratik The new feature does not use the old date, so it’ll be the current time. It’s quite different so that we can support Threads. The help page has some of the other limitations.
Pratik That’s actually a feature for me coz I can do it later 😌
Numeric Citizen @amerpie nothing will make me participate in Threads. Because: Meta. Second: when they will be serious about Fediverse, I'll revisit my stand. But I'm happy to see that is getting ready for that day. cc
Manton Reece @numericcitizen @amerpie Definitely no pressure to use other platforms! I stopped using Threads month ago because I thought federation was just around the corner, but now it looks like it will be much later this year.
Todd Grotenhuis Cool interim step while we wait on (supposed) federation.
Looks like there is an issue in memoji conversion. I get the “?” icon on threads until I edit back to the emoji.
Ryan Mikulovsky Manual cross-posting! That is great. I’ve silently wished for this feature. Thank you.
Mitch Wagner This sounds great and jibes with my own style nowadays. I’m increasingly preferring manual cross-posting to achieve native formats. I’m looking forward to trying this out. Thanks!
Jatan This is really useful, thank you. Will you be adding other services supported in auto-crossposting here too such as Medium and LinkedIn?
Manton Reece @moonmehta Yes, I’ll probably add LinkedIn next, and then continue until it supports all of them.
Jatan BTW I don’t see the Tumblr or Twitter options in the crossposting on the Posts page.
MacPsych This is great and something I've been looking for. Many thanks!
Ricardo Mendes only for Threads or is this a revamp of cross-posting for all connected channels?
Kimberly Hirsh
Brad Enslen I just tried it to cross post to X and it works perfectly. For me this works better than automatic cross posting to X since I've greatly reduced my participation there. I'm being more selective but occasionally I need to go on a snark strafing run on X and this makes it easier. :-)
Manton Reece @bradenslen Great, glad it worked so well!
Manton Reece @otaviocc Good idea, I'll make that change.
Manton Reece
Manton Reece @rmdes It's a separate feature that does not affect the existing cross-posting at all. Right now supports Threads, Mastodon, Tumblr, Bluesky, and Twitter X.
Manton Reece @jonah I'll look into that. I haven't heard of anything in Substack to allow it, but I might've missed it.
Ricardo Mendes that's really great, thanks a lot for building this feat!
James R. Hull just tried this out - PERFECT implementation! thank you 🙏
Manton Reece
Will Wade marvellous. Looking forward to LinkedIn - I do find the automatic cross posting pretty wild so I turned that one off. But that’s more LinkedIn I feel.
Manton Reece @darby3 Ah, you're right. I'll figure out how to preserve that, thanks.