Accidentally poured chocolate milk in my cereal. Guess it’s going to be one of those kind of mornings.

Jon Mitchell

@manton a morning of unexpectedly wonderful ideas?

Alexandra Wolfe

Embrace your inner child!

Chris Finazzo
Elliot Shank

You're saying that it's awesomer than awesome, right? 😄

Old account

@manton You mean… good? 😏

Patrick McConnell

@manton it’s not a bug, it’s a feature

Mandaris Moore

a great morning!


@manton Why I never keep chocolate milk in the house.

Anders Kierulf

@manton That’s what I do every day. So much better.

Jake Grant
Miles Metcalfe

Did this once myself - poured chocolate oat milk over my Oatflakes. I found I rather liked it: easy win for the breakfast repertoire

Andrew White

@manton "Accidentally"

Manton Reece

@pimoore I feel bad admitting this, but I threw it out. It's not my thing, although based on replies I should've given it more of a chance.

Ryan Booker

@manton an awesome one?

Mandaris Moore

@ddanielson I do that for my Raisin Bran

The Micro Blog

Accidentally poured chocolate milk in my cereal. Guess it’s going to be one of those kind of mornings.

So was it a morning full of sweet surprises? 

Manton Reece @manton
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