If Mark Zuckerberg says it’s very difficult to use the new App Store EU rules — and Meta just announced their quarterly results of $40 billion in revenue — then there is no chance the rest of us can make it work. Sideloading and marketplaces are like a mirage.

@Gte Apple’s plan for the DMA could be workable with some tweaks. The CTF needs to be waived for small businesses and/or for marketplaces. Maybe if Apple gets a little EU pushback we can all meet in the middle somewhere.

I get the idea that the EC is mostly wishcasting with the DMA. Like with the cookie law on privacy, nothing substantial is going to change. The law is too little, too late. The agency consumers want over their digital content will never happen, and neither will a European version of the American tech giants magically appear. So yeah, wishcasting.

@manton nothing new. It would be more surprising if he thought it was great.

@manton honestly, this just sounds like when 45 says if they can do this to me then they can do it to you too.

@Gte It is fascinating to think if the CTF had always been there, how the App Store and especially big (free) social networks would have evolved. Would paid up-front apps be more popular? Would the App Store even have been as successful? No idea.