Amazing video from Casey Neistat going around New York City wearing the Vision Pro. My opinion keeps alternating between “I need this now” and “no one should ever have this”… It’s a wild product and I wonder if even Apple knows where it’s going.

Yeah but did you read Scoble’s posts from today? Headache. Eyes hurt. Does not sound like fun at all.

@jhull Thanks, I had missed that. Reading some of his posts now. I'm still skeptical that the weight and size will be meaningfully different anytime soon. It's going to take a long time.

That's an insane video that shows the possibilities! I mean, I can't even use my phone while walking around and I've to stop walking to write out a text. I'm glad though that the device stops functioning if there's too much motion but I would hate to be on the road with a driver wearing this.
I broke down and bought it (because I had to). I will never wear it out in public because a) yes it’s hilarious and you look silly, and b) it’s hard to even walk to the kitchen without feeling a bit nauseous in it. Is it amazing? Absolutely. But in five years it’ll be 1/5 the price and much better.
Disagree that it’s not worth having in the office. You can move screens around at will and be standing in Yosemite Valley and meditating with glass orbs floating around your head. It’s rad.

@manton serious lols as he’s “just responding to text messages” on the subway stairs 😂🤣😂

@manton having watched this I feel like I’ve seen the future.

@jhull I wouldn’t be surprised if prior to size reduction we see some sort of minimal exo-skeleton developed for certain use cases. I look at a lot of the military research tech and they are pointing that way with their AR headsets.

Thanks for posting this! (I haven't been checking in on Casey as much lately.) He has such a great way of approaching things.

@manton The last time Apple knew where a product was going was.. never.
iPhone: no third party apps: make web apps!
Apple Watch: apps!!
Apple TV: apps and games!
iPad: you can use it without a desk!
Vision Pro: stuff!

@pratik this is so so so stupid. Like my eyes are hurting because theyve rolled back so hard.

You know, they didn’t know where the Apple Watch was going at first. The definition of that being a “personal” device has changed quite a bit over the years.

@huntsyea it has to change. I wear glasses and am absolutely convinced that having a screen two inches in front of my eyes is only going to make my eyesight worse, right? I take breaks all day to look into the distance, if I’m doing the same within Vision, it’s not the same…or is it?