I try to welcome feedback, but it’s tiring to be lectured on how I’m wrong about Apple when I criticize their business. I’ve been developing Mac apps continuously for the last 30+ years, got an iPhone on day one, and I think about this constantly… But no, everyone else must know more than I do! 🤪

Simon Woods

The Internet has a special talent for telling you that you're holding it wrong.

Manton Reece

@SimonWoods So true. I'm sure I've been guilty of this too.

Numeric Citizen

personally, I like to read your take. I don't always fully agree, but you make me see the other sides... (and no need for the Apple Vision Pro for this!🤪)

Jordon Wadlington

not that it stops people, but I’m not sure how anything you’ve said can be “wrong”. I’m more bullish than you on the Vision Pro, but I’ve really appreciated your takes on it. It’s helped my thinking!

Jason Becker

holding strong, somewhat contrary positions on the internet definitely can be like that. I’m glad I’ve (mostly) taught myself not to need to reply each time I disagree with a take.

Simon Woods

I think it's sad that lots of people seem to think it's more important to yell at or ignore experts, as opposed to actually learning something. However, that seems to be just the way some people are and always will be...?

idk I'm trying to put my energy into focusing on the people who don't do that, though it's much easier for me since I don't get the other people replying to me in the way you do. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to experience it first hand! 😐


@jsonbecker but..but you're keeping us from learning how our take might be misguided (nothing ever is wrong) 🙃 But yeah, it's not your job to help people see the light.

Manton Reece

@jordon Thanks! I still need to actually use the Vision Pro (I have an appointment next week) but I think where I'm settling with it is that it's absolutely amazing and maybe Apple shouldn't have built it right now.

Manton Reece

@jsonbecker Yep. Replies often start great discussions, but replying to everything we disagree with would be too much.

@manton can't escape the extreme fanboys... They are everywhere whether mac, Windows or Linux..

Rene van Belzen

The web is the biggest peanut gallery in the world, with a lot of "nerdsplaining."

Phil :prami:

@manton I think you’ve been really clear on CoreInt. I also agree with you though too.

Imagine the addiction we have to our phones, now wrap that phone round your head to exclude the real world.

Scary. Especially for children.

Manton Reece

@phils Totally. For now, I think the high price will sidestep the question of children and teens using it. But eventually it's going to be an issue.


haha of course! This is always the case -- everyone is an expert now. LOL

Dave DeLong

@manton @aleck I was just talking about that t-shirt the other day… I miss mine.

Manton Reece

@davedelong @aleck Love that shirt. I still have mine! It's a little worn out now, I try to only wear it about once a year. 🙂

Aleksandar Vacić

@davedelong @manton for a while I wanted to get one with “Yes, I make iPhone apps. No, I don’t work for Apple.”

Dave DeLong

@manton @aleck maybe we can convince @cabel to do another run… 

Aaron Vegh

@davedelong @manton @aleck @cabel please do I would buy multiple

Cabel Sasser

@davedelong @manton @aleck for some reason mastodon isn’t showing me what this is in reply to! What can we do another run of! 😆

Cabel Sasser

@davedelong @manton @aleck for some reason mastodon isn’t showing me what this is in reply to! What can we do another run of! 😆

Manton Reece

@cabel @davedelong @aleck Oh, as an aside I had linked to this old photo of me wearing the "hi, i make macintosh software" t-shirt while in the original iPhone line. 🙂 www.flickr.com/photos/di...

Steven Woolgar

@manton @cabel @davedelong @aleck I have photos from my honeymoon hiking in Hawaii wearing that shirt. I’d love another. The old one is long gone.

Alex Rosenberg

@woolie @manton @cabel @davedelong @aleck Yes, I wish for Panic to make shirts as a hobby again.

Manton Reece @manton
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