Slow weekend. Sitting on the couch, hanging out with the dog. I could imagine using a Vision Pro right now. But if I’m reevaluating my tech, maybe a better upgrade would just be a larger phone.

Marina Epelman

@manton I do wonder what dogs think of this newfangled gadget on their humans’ faces. Joanna Stern’s Browser seemed unfazed, but he has literally seen everything.

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@marinaepelman @manton I can’t speak for dogs, but my cats were completely indifferent. It was like I wasn’t wearing it at all.

Marina Epelman

@jeff @manton I have never lived with cats, but from folklore, I’ve surmised that “completely indifferent “ if their full-time job :-)

Greg Pierce

@jeff @marinaepelman @manton Dogs are more into eye contact than cats, but if you still pet them I’m sure they’d be fine with it. If cats need your attention, they’ll just claw you.

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@marinaepelman @manton While cats can come across that way, they’re actually pretty varied.

One of my cats (Apollo), in particular, is pretty dog-like. Very needy and affectionate.

He’s also kind of an anxious sort. I expected him to get weirded out by the AVP, but he handled it fine.

Black cat named Apollo resting his head on my wrist as I attempt to use a computer mouse.

Manton Reece @manton
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