Submitted a new 1.0 app to Apple! Requires a account, so who knows whether it will go through app review smoothly. A recurring conflict with the App Store: Apple wants an app that anyone can download and I just want to build something useful for my existing customers.


Can you create and include the login details for a test account?

Manton Reece

@pratik Yes, we do. But there’s still no telling what the Apple folks might run into, or whether they want a cut of subscriptions.

@manton pwa all the


@manton Cool! Have you revealed what it is? ☺️
(I've just paid for a month of MBA Premium, and is looking to move over!)

Paul Campbell

@manton — Makes you think that Apple should have an entirely different category, not “reader app”, but “companion app” that would be a bit like Enterprise installs and not suffer the same constraint, and require an oauth flow to access.


@otaviocc I have some questions about that particular service. I'm always worried if I try to email, my primary will end up in the spam folder, because it isn't Gmail or outlook. If your using GSuite it will.

Manton Reece

@paulca That would be an improvement! The strict rules about external linking are related too and need to be scrapped, whether EU or not.

Manton Reece

@havn Thanks for your support! Nope, we haven't announced it yet. Should be this month if everything goes smoothly.


@manton hopefully you don’t get the same treatment as the 37signals apps.

Manton Reece

@danielinoa Right. They've had bad luck with app review. It is hard to tell how much of it is random or that "popular" apps get a little more scrutiny.

Manton Reece @manton
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