Haven’t posted a new home screen in a while. Our new app in the dock, almost ready. Otherwise my go-to apps remain about the same.

Screenshot of my home screen.
Valera Kushnir

I love NetNewsWire and only left because of not being available cross platform. I miss it though.

Manton Reece

@valera I still sync NetNewsWire with Feedbin, so that might be an option for non-Apple platforms too.

Neil Bearse

@manton how is Swarm these days?

Manton Reece

@neilbearse Unchanged. It's fine, but I want to replace it with something more open. I import the data to my blog every once in a while so I have a copy.


I see 3 awesome apps there, including one I love too!

Andrew Hinton

@manton Curious what email app that is?


@andrewhinton @manton “HEY email”

Numeric Citizen

I love the icon!

Numeric Citizen

but I would have included some visual cues to refer to MB (bubble, star) somehow..

Simon Woods

@numericcitizen The colours are the cue?


@numericcitizen ... Reminds me of "Clear".


@SimonWoods @numericcitizen It's a secret 🫣

Numeric Citizen

@vincent yep!

Edoardo Baldi

Maybe not the best place to ask, but I'm curious to know if your Micro.blog on iOS "suffers" from the bug of crashing while opening the posts list.

Manton Reece

@edobld No, it doesn’t happen to me but there’s definitely an increase in crashes based on what I’m hearing. I will try to get a fix out soon.

Todd Grotenhuis

similar vibes to sunlit and wavelength, less to micro.blog and epilogue. Let the rumor-mongering commence about its function! (with that in mind, seems like another media type.)

Paweł Orzech

@manton @neilbearse is there an open alternative to it? Also can’t wait to see what this app is about!

Andrew Canion

I wouldn’t have picked you for a HEY email guy. The secret app also reminds me of Clear, which is what @numericcitizen said as well!

David Enzel

@blanco How do like Hey?

Manton Reece

@abc I like it. There are a couple things that could be better but overall it’s a nice system for managing email.

Hunter Yeagley

@fernandroid what app is that you are using?

Manton Reece

@rscottjones We have a tiny team now, and it's useful with just a couple people. I have used it even by myself in the past, but that's a tougher call. I think maybe it comes down to whether having the history and richer structure for projects works well for you.

Valera Kushnir

switched back to it from Readwise. Such a perfect client!

Valera Kushnir

curious if you're still with Hey now that they have a calendar as well.

Manton Reece

@valera Still using Hey but I don’t use the calendar. I’ve been fine with Apple’s calendar and Fantastical.

Manton Reece @manton
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