I have a really hard time coming up with dark mode colors. Nothing looks right.

Numeric Citizen

did you try ChatGPT for this?

Phil Bowell

I’ve had a similar issue, it’s really tricky especially if you have a light mode that works well.

Manton Reece

@numericcitizen I have. ChatGPT is pretty good, but of course it has no design taste, so takes a lot of back and forth to try to get somewhere. May try again.

Manton Reece

@philbowell Exactly.

Chris Finazzo

@manton While not a complete answer, this was enough to get me started.


Phil Bowell

one thing that’s worked for me in the past is taking the accent colour from light mode and using it as an underlying influence on the main dark colour then riffing the other colours from there.

Matthias Ott

@manton Maybe you could try to “forget” how the light mode looks and just focus on making the dark mode look amazing ✨. Only then you try to carefully bring them together again…?

Manton Reece

@matthiasott Great point. I think that's the right approach.

Matthias Ott

@manton Good luck! 🤞And enjoy! 😊

amit ⌘

I refer to these two handy resources - nightpalette.com and colorhunt.co/palettes/dark. The latter, just in general, to find colours that work best together.

Manton Reece @manton
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