Some of my best blog posts are buried behind really boring, unhelpful post titles. If a post resonates with folks and is shared, it can only be because someone actually read it. The opposite of clickbait.

Hunter Yeagley

I agree! I think Paul Graham’s essays are an example of KISS with titles.

Patrick Rhone

I Wrote Boring Titles For My Blog Posts And You Won't Believe What Happened Next!

Manton Reece

@patrickrhone Click! 🙂

Numeric Citizen

I use titles to set the tone and help guide potential reader what it is all about without falling too much in the clickbait thing...

Manton Reece

@numericcitizen Makes sense! I usually do too, but every once in a while my blog post titles are so uninspired that it’s almost funny, like today’s post, which is where my comment came from.

Manton Reece @manton
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