Micro.blog has always had per-blog pricing. Hosting one blog was $5, two blogs was $10, three blogs was $15, and so on. On top of that, Micro.blog Premium added additional features either to a specific blog (like podcast hosting, video, and email newsletters) or across the platform (like our new notes feature).
The reason this pricing appealed to me is that by charging for each blog, we could keep the standard plan as low as possible for most people who only have one blog. If you needed multiple blogs, upgrading added on to the subscription in a way that seemed fair to us and customers.
Over the years we’ve had problems with this pricing, though. It was confusing to keep track of. There have even been billing mistakes because the code for subscriptions was too complicated. Instead of obvious tiers on your account, each blog was effectively its own tier, with tricky scenarios when trials and yearly pricing are mixed in.
Today that’s changing. We are getting rid of the per-blog pricing. Instead, there will be three simple plans, and Micro.blog Premium will now include multiple blogs.
- $5: one blog with all the basic features
- $10: Micro.blog Premium, all the advanced features and up to 5 blogs included
- $15: Micro.blog Family, same as Premium but up to 5 users can post to any of your blogs
Additionally, there will continue to be no charge for hosting extra single-page web sites and test blogs. The new “up to 5 blogs” count is for normal, full blogs.
Most people only have one blog. If you do already have multiple blogs, this pricing change may mean you’ll be paying less. By the time you read this, your subscription should have been updated to reflect the change.
For example, if you had two blogs, one standard blog and one using Micro.blog Premium, previously that would have been $5 + $10 = $15. Now, having two blogs is covered in Micro.blog Premium, so your cost goes down to $10. Or if you had two $5 blogs already, you’ve been upgraded to Micro.blog Premium automatically because it’s the same price you were paying before.
Micro.blog has been updated throughout to reflect this pricing change, including a redesigned Plans page to upgrade or downgrade your account. Creating new blogs is simpler too.
I’m biased, but I think Micro.blog hosting is one of the best values on the web. Nothing else comes close to the depth of features. Hope you like Micro.blog as much as we like building it.
Aeryn woah! That is awesome, Manton. Thanks for such an amazing service/product.
Jeroen Sangers I assume the free Twitter export blog remains free, right?
Numeric Citizen Wow! That's a lot to cover in the upcoming video! And I can already envision a new use cases for me by having "up to 5 blogs" under my current subscription. Great value, indeed!
Manton Reece @jeroensangers Currently no, it’s part of the 5 blogs. I might change that. Only reason I hesitate is because you could have multiple tweets blogs, so the new system is simpler for that. Although the tweets blog is free for non-Premium accounts.
Dominik what a great, customer centric change.
Miraz Jordan Something I'd like clarified — I have two blogs, both on Premium plan: miraz.me and waikawanews.nz. Does this mean I can bring both under one account, but retaining the two separate domain names?
Miraz Jordan Excellent news and service!
Manton Reece @Miraz Yes. There's no way to automate that process, though, so you'd have to manually move one of the blogs to the other account with an export/import, then cancel the old account.
Leon Mika That's fantastic. Thank you very much for this.
Numeric Citizen with those changes, I might create a new blog... what do you think, @maique ? 🤪 (I'm half joking)
Miraz Jordan Thank you. That's worth my doing and will be extremely welcome savings for me. I'll do some testing… 😀
Numeric Citizen @maique I was already on the Premium! But now that we can more blogs... thinking of moving Numeric Citizen Meta I/O out of Craft because there is no RSS feed support in Craft-hosted websites. But it would be a lot of work.
David Enzel This is a huge added value. Micro.blog is a bargain! Thank you.
Nathan Gathright @manton Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere, but can I set up custom domains for each blog?
Mitch Wagner I like this change. I can definitely think of possibilities. Thank you! 
Miles Metcalfe Nice. Pro-customer move. Not been seeing those lately in the digital economy. Was still getting my head around extra static sites on the Pro tier. Now more blogs too. Wow. Thanks for a great product.
Manton Reece @nathan Yes, any blog can have a custom domain name. We want to encourage that so there’s never an extra charge for it.
Patrick Rhone I wonder if there’s a way to combine my current three blogs (patrickrhone, whoatowow, foryou) to be under the same plan (and if there’s really any advantage to doing so)?
jden :prami: @manton I didn’t even realise you could have multiple blogs under the one account.
Time to merge three seperate blogs into one account.
Ryan Booker What a great change. Thanks.
Eric Gregorich Are the Avatar and About configurable per blog or still only tied to the account? It looks like the account.
And can we only pick one blog to post our replies?
Simon Woods So, so good. 👏
It's great to see Notes added to the Plans page — were you tempted to include single-page sites?
Manton Reece @SimonWoods Oh yeah, there’s a lot of places I need to update the features list.
Simon Woods I guess some parts of the Help Centre, which I didn't even think about. I would assume, over time, most people will see this info on the homepage and the Plans page.
Jordon Wadlington Wow! Thank you so much for adding this value!
Right now I have my family blog as a separate micro.blog account. I’m guessing if I want to bring it under this account, I need to cancel it first. Once I cancel, will the micro.blog username for my family blog become available for me to re-take under this account? (I’ll make sure to export it before I cancel so I don’t lose anything!)
Pratik Excellent! Fully agree with the last paragraph. That’s indeed Micro.blog’s salient features.
BTW I know the obvious answer to this is upgrade to family plan but can I restrict someone to just post on one of my five blogs? I want to get my son into blogging but I want to be sure he persists. I feel he would be more secure and being under my account, it would be like “parental control”. Plus I can offer tech support. By the time he goes to high school, I’m hoping he would hooked enough to want his own blog free of “parental control”.
Troy Kitch This sounds great. So I’m clear, I have an account and my wife has account so we pay $10/mo now. If I’m understanding this correctly, we could not consolidate with the $10 micro.blog premium plan, since we have separate accounts (i.e., the only multi-user plan is $15 family). Is that correct?
Manton Reece @pratik Yeah, I think family plan is probably the way to go for that. Each blog gets a separate list of people who can post to it, and those people can have free accounts.
Matt Langford This is perfect. Already planning a Tiny Theme Documentation site. Perfect.
Manton Reece @jordon You’d have to delete the account, not just cancel, for the name to be reused. Might take a little juggling, so email me if you need anything updated.
Manton Reece @troykitch That’s true. Consolidating separate accounts is a little more involved. It’s doable but has its own trade-offs.
Khaled Abou Alfa The 5 blogs is a real sweet addition.
Manton Reece @ericgregorich Still tied to the account, yeah. Replies are currently set to only one blog, although I guess we could remove that limitation if there’s interest.
Manton Reece
Bob Wertz This is amazing. I need to upgrade to the $10 plan... I've been meaning to do it for a while, and this makes it an even better deal!
Eric Gregorich @patrickrhone I feel like the biggest trade off between separate accounts and consolidation into one account and separate blogs is that you still have one account, one timeline, and if someone follows you they’re doing it for your entire account and not your individual blogs.
Yet, there is a separate newsletter per blog, so that’s a big plus.
jden :prami: @manton that is to say: the brewer simpler pricing worked for me.
Ehler See I was over here thinking it was simple but this is somehow simpler, so hats off. (And then I read your explanation)
Peter Wickins this is a great change and I think will get me to make the plunge into setting up another blog. Sort of related, is there any movement on releasing old account names that don't appear to have ever been used? There's one I'd be keen to use as a second blog as it matches my username in a lot of other places.
Patrick Rhone @ericgregorich Oh, of course. Yeah, I think I like them separate then for now.
Javier Plumey I’m so excited by this. You’ve got a great service going here and I’m glad to support it! Keep up the amazing work.
Manton Reece @meandering Yes, we have a policy for that now. Send a quick email to help with the old username.
Sven Dahlstrand @ericgregorich @patrickrhone You could collect all your blogs under one main account and still have separate (free) accounts hooked up to the respective blog's feed. That way, people can follow your individual blogs even though they are technically under one account. Your main account timeline could be hooked up to all your blog feeds, if that's what you want, or just one or a few of them.
Patrick Rhone @sod I feel like this is one of those “if it ain’t broke…” moments one encounters in life.
Matthew Gregg
Eric Gregorich @sod Interesting idea! Thanks. I may try that.
Alexander Kucera very generous way to do pricing. Thanks for taking care of the community.
Alexander Kucera very generous way to do pricing. Thanks for taking care of the community.
Jordon Wadlington thank you, sir. I think I've got everything figured out and accomplished except for importing the content from the old account to this account. I'll send you an email on it now
Todd Grotenhuis Does this account for the cases where you need to have blogs in separate accounts to get them better disambiguated (like having name, different activitypub handles, etc.). That's always been a bit confusing. Would those count as part of the 5 if you pay for Premium on one?
Manton Reece @toddgrotenhuis No, separate accounts really are separate. It would be nice if they could be connected but that's not something we're planning on doing right now.
David Enzel Can each blog have a different name? From what I can see that isn’t possible.
Manton Reece @abc Yes, you can change the name on the Design page. Switch the current blog with the “…” button.
David Johnson This is great news. Perhaps I will reinstate my podcast 😊
Cristof de Loet @crossingthethreshold I'm just now discovering your podcast...glad you mentioned it!
David Johnson @clorgie I'm happy that you found it. Please let me know if there is anything that you would like to hear should I decide to reboot it.
Troy Kitch But it would work for me and my wife to have separated accounts with the family plan, I assume. Which still seems like a really good deal, considering all that's included in premium. I'm eager to try the bookmarking and notes.
John Payne is it possible to convert a single page blog to a full blog under the new plan, or is that a delete and readd to keep the same url?
Manton Reece @jpayne We should add a button for that. For now, email me which blog and I’ll update it. No need to redo it.
David Enzel Got it. Can I post separately to each blog from Ulysees?
John Payne
Manton Reece @abc Yes, Ulysses will list your blogs and you can configure it to have multiple blogs as separate “accounts” in the app.
Peter Wickins thank you. I've sent an email to help@m.b
David Enzel