On a bit of a roll with iOS app updates this week. Some minor improvements to both Strata and Epilogue in the queue for Apple to review. Love how the new icons look in my iPhone dock.

Screenshot of Epilogue and Strata in the dock.
Simon Woods

I definitely like the shared design aspect. My only concern is that they could blur together, and perhaps the "Micro.blog colours" would be better as a subtle highlight throughout the companion apps.

I haven't spent anytime with them together, though, so it's probably just a problem in my imagination. Can't wait to try it!

Manton Reece

@SimonWoods Yeah, that's a fair concern but I haven't had a problem so far. I think most people will only have a couple of the apps installed.

Simon Woods

Ah! I always forget that I have and use an unusual number of MB things in general.

Oh! I just remembered; custom icons. Might fit in one of the paid plans? Although that's probably too difficult/impossible to implement without IAP.

Chris Enns

Email client coming next. πŸ˜†

Numeric Citizen

I know that you don't want to change the MB icon but... I wish you gave it the same treatment!

Manton Reece

@iChris Haha. Nope, we are done, no more new apps, no matter how tempting it might be. πŸ™‚

David Johnson

A feature request for Strata - the ability to hide from view selected notes. Behind a passcode would be nice, but simply behind a warning (as in Mastodon) would be fine.

Phil :prami:

@manton it’s great how there’s a family resemblance between them all.



Manton Reece @manton
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