Just in time for an election year in the US, from @news today:

Kimberly Hirsh


Simon Woods

Thank you! This also applies to lots of people from outside of the US due to the historic amount of voting taking place this year.

JL Gatewood


Elliot Shank

Thank you.

Ridwan Jaafar

Not for me, if I'm honest. I'm not easily triggered. 😜

Manton Reece

@ridwan Ha, that's fine, feel free to ignore. πŸ™‚ I'm not usually either, although I may use it occasionally.

Ridwan Jaafar

I'm going to be teasing @pratik a lot during this election cycle. Hope he doesn't block or mute me. 🀣😝

Matthew Gregg

Great change. For the future, it would be nice to be able to mute right from the timeline, in the official app at least. Mona does this for Mastodon. Highlight word(s) and a mute option appears in the normal iOS selection popup.

Numeric Citizen

quick question: it wasn’t possible before? I thought it was possible to mute someone already. Or did you just add the muted words too?


Should the phrase be in quotes? Otherwise posts with either word get muted?

Manton Reece

@pratik Nope, no quotes needed.

Manton Reece

@numericcitizen Yes, you could mute a person by username, but not mute posts that contained specific words in the text of the post.

Manton Reece

@mcg Thanks. We have an API for this so will likely integrate it better into the native apps.

Numeric Citizen



and comma separated if multiple conditions?

Manton Reece

@pratik There aren't multiple conditions. To mute multiple words, you can mute them separately. If you want something like mute only if the post contains two or more words but not together as a phrase, there's no way to do that.


oooh! Got it. I was thinking the UI was only one field to include the words and phrases you want to mute. I see that some people have already asked for tagmoji support ☺️

Manton Reece @manton
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