Tips for not getting overwhelmed and distracted in this era of infinite content… Turn off all notifications, except for a small number of close friends and family. Mute all Slack channels. Hide all mobile app badges. Disable search and web suggestions on iOS. Use RSS and mark-all-as-read liberally.

@manton great advices! What I still find hard to do is scrolling up the Mastodon timeline, skipping all the unread messages, after a couple of days without opening it (it also happened on Twitter TBH)

On Android, I disabled all notifications except for a few apps that I personally need. I have uninstalled all apps that I do not use. I use PWA apps whenever possible.

@manton Along these lines, I *really* wish iMessage had more granular control over individual threads. I have a group chat I can't get out of (involves green bubbles so I can't remove myself) and even with it muted, I still have badges and highlighting of it (new messages in here!) all the time .. it drives me insane.