The TikTok bill has passed. I like Ben Thompson’s thoughts on this… We can support a sale (because there’s risk with China’s influence) while at the same time being concerned that forcing apps to be removed from stores is its own dangerous can of worms (and not something to make a habit of).

@manton yes! I appreciated the nuance of agreeing but also being uncomfortable with the longterm implications.

From a non-american perspective this just seems extremely hypcritical given the widely revealed survauillance of FAANGs. Not that I’m a fan of TikTok.

@torb It's less about surveillance and more propaganda and influence because the TikTok algorithm is a mystery. If it was just surveillance, I agree Facebook and Google have more data, and we're not going to ban them.

Does micro have an official way to submit bug/suggestions? And view their status? Like a Trello board?

@Archimage Officially, there is no official bug or feature list. We do have GitHub issues, but the list is sometimes out of date, and it's not a complete list of all things. Feel free to submit feature requests however is convenient.

Hm. You need something like a Trello board to track thinks and show status. Just my wish. Lots of sites have bug lists that go into a black hole. GIthub is “vague”. Thanks, in any event.

Same with propaganda too (and they’re highly related anyway). Just think of how Facebook was (ab)used in promotibg Trump.
Not to mention american propaganda more broadly.

Did Ben Thompson post an essay about the TikTok ban? Where can I read up on his thoughts?

@duncanmak He wrote an essay titled The TikTok War four years ago. For the latest, though, I recommend this episode of SharpTech. Or a recent episode of Dithering for a more concise summary.

This country has always let access to the US market be a free for all, never acknowledging either that citizens should be protected or that access itself is a value. If that's changing, all the better.