I’m using the web interface for WhatsApp for the first time this week. It’s a great reminder of how nice it would be if iMessage had a web interface, on icloud.com along with mail and other apps. Could even start by requiring a registered iPhone so it doesn’t become an Android free-for-all.


Agree. And that's how WhatsApp Web works too, right? The Phone Link for iOS works on Windows for now. But web will be truly accessible to all. BTW the Mac app for WhatsApp is pretty nice too.


@pratik I constantly use the WhatsApp app for the Mac and I love it. WhatsApp is the default messaging app in Spain, we hardly use iMessage. And having it in the Mac is so useful. Besides, iMessage syncing between Apple devices has never worked for me.


@eumrz Same in India. Even by businesses in fact. India-American communities (first-gen at least) also rely more on WhatsApp


@eumrz I use WhatsApp on the iPhone, haven't tried it on the Mac yet. Should give it a try. Haven't had any issues with iMessage syncing between Apple devices. Works seamlessly for me. @pratik


@Parag it’s weird. I have never made it work. Can it be because I mostly receive SMS on my iPhone iMessage app, and SMS don’t go through to Macs or iPads? Because Ive gone through the settings in all devices for a lot or time and they should be ok. Whatever the reason is, it’s never worked for me.

Jason Becker

@eumrz SMS can go through, its an option you have to turn on.


@jsonbecker I know, trust me, I do. I’ve tried tons of things for years. I’ve read every support doc and forum, I truly don’t know what is wrong. But it’s been wrong for me forever.

Jason Becker

@eumrz I wonder if it’s a carrier issue? Do you have an Apple Store nearby?


@Parag Works fantastic especially when I’m at work and I can generally type faster on a desktop @eumrz


@jsonbecker that’s always been my conclusion: it must be a carrier issue. I don’t have an Apple Store nearby either. Never mind, 99% of messaging in Spain is via WhatsApp, so my few iMessage and SMS (mainly ads) live on the iPhone just fine, I grew used to not having all of them synced to the Mac.


@eumrz Most of my family and friends use iPhones so all their messages synch pretty well. Just a couple of people on Android that I interact with so it mostly works well for me.


@eumrz Also, check if you have selected your phone number in the 'Send and Receive' in Messages settings.


@pratik yes, all that is apparently correct in all devices.

Manton Reece @manton
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