David Pierce at The Verge writing about Google Podcasts going away and Google’s pattern of abandoning their own apps:

It always goes the same way: the company launches a new service with grandiose language about how this fits its mission of organizing and making accessible the world’s information, quickly updates it with a couple of neat features, immediately seems to forget it exists…


I saw this and pessimistically thought, "Why would anyone have faith in Google at this point?"

Mingo 🦩 Hagen

@manton which is why I never put any time into their apps (apart from gmail, so far so good).

Greg Moore

Love when one of the world's largest companies gives a lame excuse like they are "simply responding to the market". The poor mega-corporation; their hands are tied and they have no resources to make their own software successful. 🙄

Mitch Wagner

I miss Google+.

Jacob White :verified:

@manton at this point they’re canceling stuff I’ve never heard of.

Writing Slowly

“It’s the ads, stupid”.

Art Kavanagh

@MitchW I always found Google+ frustrating: that horribly regular grid, the ugly font, the absence of proper links and the forced use of a URL shortener. But I used it. Now, the thing I find frustrating is that I can’t use it any more.

Rob Jackson

@mingo I wouldn’t trust gmail either. You will outlive it. You want things that will outlive you

Manton Reece @manton
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