After five years with the Touch Bar, kind of strange to get used to a real function key row again. A good strange, of course.

@manton I have a 2023 MBP and a 2019 MBP that I use side by side everyday (personal/work) and there are occasionally a times I still appreciate the touch bar. Not a lot. But it happens.

I’ve got the Touch Bar on my work issued MBP and can’t get used to it no matter how hard I try. Maybe I will after five years though… 🤣

I mostly user the MacBook with an external display, keyboard and trackball. I hardly used the touchbar at all.

Wow, I'd forgotten about the Touch Bar! I thought it held such promise on release, and then never went anywhere. I mostly use a desktop, so I've still got my rMBP 13 from 2015, so I'll hopefully have completely bypassed the Touch Bar, the Butterfly Keyboard and USB-C-only laptops by the time I upgrade!